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everyone agrees that Machiavelli for Babies is probably the best book ever.


I handed the book over to my five and two year old to see what they thought. They loved it. My two year old loves pictures of babies and repeated baby over and over as he flipped through the book. My five year old thought many of the pictures were funny.


I highly recommend this book for all parents of young children. I think you are missing an opportunity if you don't incorporate these concepts into your parenting philosophy.


Machiavelli quotes paired with adorable, albeit absurd, pictures of babies. I had quite a good laugh remembering the torture of classes in college and thinking how much better if all textbooks were done in this manner. If you do decide to use it as a tool to teach your little one how to acquire unlimited power, you're in luck: it's a very sturdy board book.


Loved it. And since I work in a child care center, I can't wait to start teaching those toddlers the Machiavellian way.

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